Basics of healthy diet.
In terms of calories, if you're not eating enough, your body will most likely go into a "storage" mode. This is basically because the moment your body thinks its not getting enough food, it will horde all the calories and hold onto the fat since it thinks its going into starvation mode. Your body will also slow down your metabolism because it thinks a "fasting state" may be close and it will want to preserve as much energy as possible. This is done through holding tight onto the fat stores and not releasing them. The key is to increase your calories with highly nutrient dense food to fuel your body! I would recommend not eating any less than 1,500 calories/day and make sure your protein levels are kept high. For your diet, focus on getting enough protein throughout the day by choosing lean items like chicken breast, egg whites ,fish etc. and lean fibrous carbs coming mostly from non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, mushrooms, green peppers, etc.) Try and limit all starchy carbs from your diet and limit fruit after 6pm, since it contains lots of simple sugars which will effect your insulin levels and hinder your weight loss. Also, make sure to eliminate all empty calories like soft drinks, high sugar fruit juices, pastries and fast food. Try and eat several small and nutritious meals throughout the day to keep your metabolism ticking.