Basics of healthy diet.
In terms of calories, if you're not eating enough, your body will most likely go into a "storage" mode. This is basically because the...
Home all over body workout.
b- 10 squats - 10 press ups - 10 squat trusts - 10 sit-ups - 10 lunges on each leg - 10 jack knife press ups - 10 tricep dips - 10...
Great Home Exercise to get the strong toned arms.
Roll-the-Ball with Uneven Push-Up Best for: Those who need an upper-body-strength challenge. (Tip: you can use a soccer ball, stack of...
Boxing training in Victoria Park
Great park training session with my client pete. Hitting harder faster then ever, while getting fitter.
John Donovan Personal Training
Personal training in North West London Park. Fat burn, weight loss, muscle tone, wellbeing. You don't need a gym membership to get into...
Understanding Vitamins and Minerals
Vitamins and minerals are the body's sparkplugs. If our diet is deficient in these micountrient ill health is likely to be the result....
John donovan personal training
Boxing training in hendon park nw london. Getting fit and enjoying the sunny day at the same time. #boxing
Why I am not losing weight
Too often we hear the same complaints, generally from the same type of person. This type of person appear to be, or say there aye...
Personal Training session in the park
Great trx training session in the park in hendon, north west london . Well done sanjay!
Don't let business travel de-rail your fitness goals
Squeezing regular workouts in between client meetings and business dinners can be a challenge, especially when you're operating out of a...